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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


This fascinating tourist attraction is actually the flow of rivers that pass through the cave Cijulang filled with beauty and charm stalaktif & stalakmitn. In addition, this region is also flanked by two hills, also with many rocks and grove of trees. Overall it was formed as a natural painting is so unique and so challenging to be explored.

Cukang Taneuh or better known as Green Canyon is a river tour that is currently used as a tourist attraction in the District Ciamis. Green Canyon is located 31 km south of Pangandaran precisely in the Village Kertayasa, Cijulang District, West Java Province. This place is actually already started started as tourist attractions in the Soeharto era circa 1990s with the construction of Pier is located in the village of Hamlet Karangpaci Ciseureuh Kertayasa Village, which in its development, stewardship of the Green Canyon is managed by Tourism Mobilisation Group (KOMPEPAR) and the Department of Tourism as coordinator of the driving. With the attention of the local government tourism is progressing fast it is proven by the improvement and construction of the pier II facility, located in the vicinity of tourist Cukang Taneuh. In awalya Pier II has been pioneered by the community by building facilities and saung stopover rinse space that ultimately brought the flood damaged. With the attention of the state government had been restored and Dock II look bigger with the addition of facilities such as musola and saung - saung resort, pier II by locals call it by palatar (sundanese peletaran broad meaning).
Name of Green Canyon in the can from a foreign tourist from France who named him John, while his real name is Cukang Taneuh. Cukang that have a meaning bridge and Teneuh means land so Cukang Taneuh implies bridge made of natural land bridge formed by processing them under the bridge is stalaknit texture and stalagmite. If the clay from a distance it looks like the mouth of the cave with the garnished by a green valley below the bridge is where the dismissal of a cruise boat, before entering into any of a waterfall which the locals call it a shower of gold. Indeed at a certain moment would look like gold in the murky water causes the brownish color - brown sunlight from a distance will look vaguely like a shower of gold.  
Go deeper into the swim again if it will pass a stone shaped like an umbrella then referred to as the rock umbrella. In this umbrella stones visitors can climb and jump if there could brave plunge into the river course it should be undertaken with the supervision of guides. More into another one called the bathhouse girls, this place is located slightly above the cliffs of visitors who wish to place it has to climb a little cliff. Princess bath tub is shaped like sleeping with the garnish of water seepage from the wall and thus forming sepertin stalaknit rain, cold and refreshing that it seems he says the efficacy of these baths may make daughters ageless. Up here visitors can enjoy the beauty of green canyon where a boat cruise. There are many places - places of interest and can only be enjoyed with a body rafting. Certainly arise in our minds the question, whether it Body Rafting? Body is different rafting rafting or white water rafting. Body Rafting (raft = boat) is the river without the raft, it is our body as a replacement boat dankita will blend with the surface of the water and occasionally in interspersed with walking on the outskirts to avoid the rapids or a dangerous part. No need to worry if you can not swim, because we use standartlife equipment vest (life vest) and helmet, knee protectors and footwear reef (coral booties) and are accompanied by instructors who are experienced and know the nature and dynamics that will be in navigating the river, and can anticipate things that might happen in every wade.
Cukang Taneuh or better known as Green Canyon is a river tour that is currently used as a tourist attraction in the District Ciamis. Green Canyon is located 31 km south of Pangandaran precisely in the Village Kertayasa, Cijulang District, West Java Province. This place is actually already started started as tourist attractions in the Soeharto era circa 1990s with the construction of Pier is located in the village of Hamlet Karangpaci Ciseureuh Kertayasa Village, which in its development, stewardship of the Green Canyon is managed by Tourism Mobilisation Group (KOMPEPAR) and the Department of Tourism as coordinator of the driving. With the attention of the local government tourism is progressing fast it is proven by the improvement and construction of the pier II facility, located in the vicinity of tourist Cukang Taneuh. In awalya Pier II has been pioneered by the community by building facilities and saung stopover rinse space that ultimately brought the flood damaged. With the attention of the state government had been restored and Dock II look bigger with the addition of facilities such as musola and saung - saung resort, pier II by locals call it by palatar (sundanese peletaran broad meaning).

Name of Green Canyon in the can from a foreign tourist from France who named him John, while his real name is Cukang Taneuh. Cukang that have a meaning bridge and Teneuh means land so Cukang Taneuh implies bridge made of natural land bridge formed by processing them under the bridge is stalaknit texture and stalagmite. If the clay from a distance it looks like the mouth of the cave with the garnished by a green valley below the bridge is where the dismissal of a cruise boat, before entering into any of a waterfall which the locals call it a shower of gold. Indeed at a certain moment would look like gold in the murky water causes the brownish color - brown sunlight from a distance will look vaguely like a shower of gold.
Go deeper into the swim again if it will pass a stone shaped like an umbrella then referred to as the rock umbrella. In this umbrella stones visitors can climb and jump if there could brave plunge into the river course it should be undertaken with the supervision of guides. More into another one called the bathhouse girls, this place is located slightly above the cliffs of visitors who wish to place it has to climb a little cliff. Princess bath tub is shaped like sleeping with the garnish of water seepage from the wall and thus forming sepertin stalaknit rain, cold and refreshing that it seems he says the efficacy of these baths may make daughters ageless. Up here visitors can enjoy the beauty of green canyon where a boat cruise. There are many places - places of interest and can only be enjoyed with a body rafting. Certainly arise in our minds the question, whether it Body Rafting? Body is different rafting rafting or white water rafting. Body Rafting (raft = boat) is the river without the raft, it is our body as a replacement boat dankita will blend with the surface of the water and occasionally in interspersed with walking on the outskirts to avoid the rapids or a dangerous part. No need to worry if you can not swim, because we use standartlife equipment vest (life vest) and helmet, knee protectors and footwear reef (coral booties) and are accompanied by instructors who are experienced and know the nature and dynamics that will be in navigating the river, and can anticipate things that might happen in every wade. 

Back to nature, whatever its form, has always been the most enjoyable moments. Blend with the natural moment forget the routines with a bit of activity in nature, one as an alternative tourism in the green canyon is the Body Rafting. With more body rafting visitors can explore the more remote from the main object into the green canyon, starting from the first trip through the gate of the secretariat Kertayasa Village we will be faced scenery area paddies and plantations in the planting season visitors can watch or even participate fell into the fields to follow the activities of farmers in the rice fields as well as the harvest season, entered the gate cave smell visitors will also enjoy views of the people and cattle farm cow / goat / sheep from the top of the hill also can catch a glimpse of Batu Karas beach and eventually arrived at  stopover body rafting Guha Bau.
For a moment we will take a rest before continuing down to the location of the start body rafting. The journey from haven to  Guha Bau (cave smell) takes 20-30 minutes, before reaching the mouth of the cave we will pass through thick bush with its quasi-decorate the trees but it's safe from harm if the animals. The smell is a little sting on the nose has begun to feel in the middle of the trip down, the smell is coming from a lot of bat droppings in caves inhabited. Thus even though the bat droppings are much in use by local villagers as organic fertilizer. It would be a little slippery before reaching the mouth of the cave, in front of this Guha  Bau Body Rafting trip in the beginning to fall into the river but before the instructor / guide will do a little guidance before it fell into a river.
During the trip on the river who spend 4-5 hours of the trip will pass through some rapids and places such as waterfall Jenggala, Leuwi Panjang, Leuwi Ki sunda, Cadas Ngampar then arrived at the entrance to the main area will welcome the green canyon with a trickle of water from the rocks shaped like the rain and arrived at the baths and so on stone princess umbrella. The journey continues by crossing the land bridge (Cukang Taneuh), golden showers and arrived at the finish line of Pier II. 
Thus a cursory journey that can we have described, will be felt all the beauty and grandeur of this canyon green with our visit as operator of the Body Rafting ready to share their experiences and adventures along the river Cijulang (Green Canyon). 

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  • Lama perjalanan 4 -5 Jam dari start sampai finish, di mulai dari sekretariat dengan mengendarai kendaraan bak terbuka selama setengah jam ke arah Guha Bau.Pastikan sudah sarapan terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan kegiatan ini.
  • Kenali kemampuan diri, jika kemampuan berenang minim maka mintadi dampingi oleh extra pemandu.
  • Tetap mengunakan pelampung dan helm dan perlengkapan lainnya saat berada di air maupun dalam keadaan istirahat sejenak di tengah perjalanan di pinggir sungai.
  • Jangan membawa benda berharga seperti perhiasan, uang, HP, Kunci Mobil/Motor di saat pengarungan, simpan benda berharga di tempat yang aman atau titipkan di sekretariat.
  • Bawalah makanan ringan dan minuman seperlunya dan pastikan terbungkus rapi sebelum di masukan ke dalam Dry Bag.
  • Pastikan diri tidak dalam keadaan pengaruh alkohol dan obat – obatan terlarang sebelum malakukan kegiatan Body Rafting ini.
  • Jangan memaksakan diri mengikuti kegiatan Body Rafting ini apabila dalam keadaan sakit atau dalam masa pengobatan dan perawatan.
  • Khusus yang mempunya penyakit epilepsi/Ayan agar tidak mengikuti kegiatan ini.
  • Beritahukan kepada pemandu kami apabila ada kelaianan penyakit yang di pandang perlu pengawasan extra.
  • Jangan berbicara menantang atau sombong atau seenaknya sewaktu dalam perjalanan.
  • Pastikan bahwa anda telah mengerti sepenuhnya tentang cara, tehnik dan instruksi yang di sampaikan pemandu kami bila perlu mintalah untuk di ulang kembali dan jangan sungkan untuk meminta bantuan apapun yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan Body Rafting ini.
  • Jika anda yang memakai kecamat paikalah tali untuk pengaman agar tidak terlepas di perjalanan air.
  • Bagi yang memiliki rambut panjang, ikatlah rambut dengan rapih dan jangan sampai menghalangi jarak pandang anda.
  • Batas Minimum usia adalah 13 tahun untuk bisa mengikuti kegiatan Body Rafting ini dan di sarankan bisa berenang atau mintalah extra pemandu khusus untuk mendampingi dan mengawasi selama kegiatan Body Rafting berlangsung sampai dengan finish.
( ibeng)